Avatar API documentation
The resources (image, video, voice) generated by our API are valid for 7 days. Please save the relevant resources as soon as possible to prevent expiration.
- First you need to generate the voice through the following method or directly provide a link to the available voice file
- If you want to use the system’s sound model to generate speech, you need to generate a link by calling the interface Create TTS
- If you want to use the sound model you provide to generate speech, you need to generate a link by calling the interface Create Voice Clone
- Secondly, you need to provide an avatar link, which can be a picture or video.
- If you want to use the avatar provided by the system, you can obtain it through the interface Get Avatar List
- Then, you need to generate an avatar video by calling the API Create Avatar Video
- Finally,The processing status will be returned promptly through the provided callback address, or you can also query it by calling the interface Get Video Info
Get Avatar List
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer token | Your API Key used for request authorization. You can get from https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/getToken api. |
Query Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
from | Number | 2、3 | 2 represents the official avatar of Akool, 3 represents the avatar uploaded by the user themselves,If empty, returns all avatars by default. |
page | Number | 1 | Current number of pages,Default is 1. |
size | Number | 10 | Current number of returns per page,Default is 100. |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code(1000:success) |
msg | String | OK | Interface returns status information |
data | Array | [{ avatar_id: "xx", url: "" }] | avatar_id: Used by avatar interface and creating avatar interface. url: You can preview the avatar via the link. |
Get Avatar Detail
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer token | Your API Key used for request authorization. You can get from https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/getToken api. |
Query Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
id | String | avatar record id. |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code(1000:success) |
msg | String | OK | Interface returns status information |
data | Array | [{ avatar_id: "xx", url: "", status: "" }] | avatar_id: Used by avatar interface and creating avatar interface. url: You can preview the avatar via the link. status: 1-queueing 2-processing),3:completed 4-failed |
Upload Avatar
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer token | Your API Key used for request authorization. You can get from https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/getToken api. |
Body Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
url | String | Avatar resource link. It is recommended that the video be about one minute long, and the avatar in the video content should rotate at a small angle and be clear. | |
avatar_id | String | avatar unique ID,Can only contain /^a-zA-Z0-9/. | |
type | Number | 1,2 | Avatar type, 1 represents real avatar, 2 represents stream avatar, When type is 2, you need to wait until status is 3 before you can use it, You can get the current status in real time through the interface https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/avatar/create. |
url_from | Number | 1,2 | url source, 1 means akool and other links, 2 means other third-party links (currently only supports YouTube / TikTok / X / Google Drive) |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code(1000:success) |
msg | String | OK | Interface returns status information |
data | Array | [{ avatar_id: "xx", url: "", status: 1 }] | avatar_id: Used by creating live avatar interface. url: You can preview the avatar via the link. status: 1-queueing, 2-processing, 3-success, 4-failed |
Create Avatar Video
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer token | Your API Key used for request authorization. You can get from https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/getToken api. |
Body Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
data | [Object] | ||
[data].width | Number | 1920 | Set the output video width |
[data].height | Number | 1080 | Set the output video height |
[data].duration | Number | Set the output video duration (in milliseconds) | |
[data].voice | Object | Set Video Sound | |
[data].voice.voice_url | String | When you want to use the specified audio for cloning, you first need to call https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/audio/create API for audio cloning, you will obtain the field 【url】 and pass it here | |
[data].elements | [Object] | Collection of elements passed in in the video | |
[data].[elements].url | [Object] | Link to element | |
[data].[elements].scale_x | [Object] | Horizontal scaling ratio, range of values (0-1) | |
[data].[elements].scale_y | [Object] | Vertical scaling ratio, range of values (0-1) | |
[data].[elements].offset_x | [Object] | Horizontal offset of the upper left corner of the element from the video setting area (in pixels) | |
[data].[elements].offset_y | [Object] | Vertical offset of the upper left corner of the element from the video setting area (in pixels) | |
[data].[elements].type | [Object] | Element type(avatar、image、video) | |
[data].[elements].layer_number | Number | Element hierarchy, with higher levels displayed above | |
[data].[elements].avatar_id | Number | You use the avatar_id of the avatar model, and you can get from https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/avatar/list api, you will obtain the field 【avatar_id】 and pass it here | |
[data].[elements].url | String | You can provide image or video url resources | |
[data].ratio | String | Video ratio,default “16:9” | |
[data].background | String | Video background color, default white (# ffffff) | |
[data].avatarFrom | Number | You use the avatar from of the avatar model, and you can get from https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/avatar/list api, you will obtain the field 【from】 and pass it here | |
duration | Number | Generate the total duration of the video, which defaults to the sum of the durations in the array sub-items (in milliseconds) | |
webhookUrl | String | Callback url address based on HTTP request. |
voice_id and voice_url must provide one
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code (1000:success) |
msg | String | Interface returns status information | |
data | Object | { _id:"", video_status:3, video:"" } | _id : Interface returns data status: the status of video: 【1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed】, video : the url of Generated video |
Get Video Info
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer token | Your API Key used for request authorization. You can get from https://open.akool.com/api/open/v3/getToken api. |
Query Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
video_model_id | String | NULL | video db id: You can get it based on the _id field returned by https://openapi.akool.com/api/open/v3/avatar/createVideo . |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code(1000:success) |
msg | String | OK | Interface returns status information |
data | Object | { video_status:1, _id:"", video:"" } | video_status: the status of video:【1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed】 video: Generated video resource url _id: Interface returns data |
Response Code Description
Please note that if the value of the response code is not equal to 1000, the request is failed or wrong
Parameter | Value | Description |
code | 1000 | Success |
code | 1003 | Parameter error or Parameter can not be empty |
code | 1006 | Your quota is not enough |
code | 1109 | create avatar video error |
code | 1102 | Authorization cannot be empty |
code | 1200 | The account has been banned |
code | 1201 | Create audio error, please try again later |