The resources (image, video, voice) generated by our API are valid for 7 days. Please save the relevant resources as soon as possible to prevent expiration.

To experience our live avatar streaming feature in action, explore our demo built on the Agora streaming service: AKool Streaming Avatar React Demo.

Create session


Request Headers

AuthorizationBearer {token}Your API Key used for request authorization. getToken

Body Attributes

avatar_idStringDigital human model in real-time avatar, The current system provides only one option: “dvp_Tristan_cloth2_1080P”. If you want to use a custom uploaded video, you need to call the interface to create a template. This process takes some time to process. You can check the processing status through the interface When status=3, you can use the avatar_id field to pass it in.
durationNumberThe duration of the session, in seconds. The maximum value is 3600 seconds.
codeint1000Interface returns business status code(1000:success)
msgStringInterface returns status information
dataObject{ "_id": "", "status": 1, "credentials": {} }_id: Interface returns data, status: the status of session: [1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed], credentials: the join information for the Agora SDK



  "_id": "6698c9d69cf7b0d61d1b6420",
  "status": 1,
  "stream_type": "agora",
  "credentials": {
    "agora_uid": 100000, // The user ID for the Agora SDK.
    "agora_app_id": "", // The App ID used for the Agora SDK.
    "agora_channel": "", // The specified channel name for the Agora SDK.
    "agora_token": "", // The authentication token for the Agora SDK, currently the valid time is 5 minutes.



    "code": 1000,
    "msg": "OK",
    "data": {
        "_id": "6698c9d69cf7b0d61d1b6420",
        "uid": 100010,
        "type": 1,
        "status": 1,
        "stream_type": "agora",
        "credentials": {
          "agora_uid": 100000, // The user ID for the Agora SDK.
          "agora_app_id": "", // The App ID used for the Agora SDK.
          "agora_channel": "", // The specified channel name for the Agora SDK.
          "agora_token": "", // The authentication token for the Agora SDK, currently the valid time is 5 minutes.

Get Session Info Result


Request Headers

AuthorizationBearer {token}Your API Key used for request authorization.getToken

Query Attributes

idStringNULLvideo db id: You can get it based on the _id field returned by Create Session .

Response Attributes

codeint1000Interface returns business status code(1000:success)
msgStringOKInterface returns status information
dataObject{ status:1, _id:"", credentials:{} }status: the status of live avatar:(1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed) credentials: the url of live avatar, _id: Interface returns data




  "code": 1000,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": {
    "_id": "6698c9d69cf7b0d61d1b6420",
    "uid": 100010,
    "type": 1,
    "status": 3,
    "stream_type": "agora",
    "credentials": {
        "agora_uid": 100000, // The user ID for the Agora SDK.
        "agora_app_id": "", // The App ID used for the Agora SDK.
        "agora_channel": "", // The specified channel name for the Agora SDK.

Close Session


Request Headers

AuthorizationBearer {token}Your API Key used for request authorization. getToken

Body Attributes

idStringNULLsession id: You can get it based on the _id field returned by Create session .

Response Attributes

codeint1000Interface returns business status code(1000:success)
msgStringOKInterface returns status information




  "code": 1000,
  "msg": "OK"

Get Session List


Request Headers

AuthorizationBearer {token}Your API Key used for request authorization. getToken

Query Attributes

pageNumber1Current number of pages, Default is 1.
sizeNumber10Current number of returns per page, Default is 100.
statusNumberNULLsession status: (1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed).

Response Attributes

codeint1000Interface returns business status code(1000:success)
msgStringOKInterface returns status information
dataArray{count: 1, data: [{ credentials: {} }] }task_id: task id of session. url: the url of live avatar.




  "code": 1000,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": {
    "count": 18,
    "result": [
        "_id": "666d3006247f07725af0f884",
        "uid": 100010,
        "type": 1,
        "status": 1,
        "stream_type": "agora",
        "credentials": {
          "agora_uid": 100000, // The user ID for the Agora SDK.
          "agora_app_id": "", // The App ID used for the Agora SDK.
          "agora_channel": "" // The specified channel name for the Agora SDK.

Live Avatar Stream Message

IAgoraRTCClient.on(event: "stream-message", listener: (uid: UID, pld: Uint8Array) => void)

IAgoraRTCClient.sendStreamMessage(msg: Uint8Array | string, flag: boolean): Promise<void>;

Send Data

Chat Type Parameters

vNumberYes2Version of the message
typeStringYeschatMessage type for chat interactions
midStringYesUnique message identifier for conversation tracking
idxNumberYesSequential index of the message, start from 0
finBooleanYesIndicates if this is the final part of the message
pldObjectYesContainer for message payload
pld.textStringYesText content to send to avatar (e.g. “Hello”)

Command Type Parameters

vNumberYes2Protocol version number
typeStringYescommandSpecifies this is a system command message
midStringYesUnique ID to track and correlate command messages
pldObjectYesContains the command details and parameters
pld.cmdStringYesCommand action to execute. Valid values: “set-params” (update avatar settings), “interrupt” (stop current avatar response)
pld.dataObjectNoParameters for the command (required for “set-params”) ID to change avatar’s voice. Only used with “set-params”. Get valid IDs from Voice List API voice model URL. Only used with “set-params”. Get valid URLs from Voice List API code for avatar responses (e.g. “en”, “es”). Only used with “set-params”. Get valid codes from Language List API interaction style. Only used with “set-params”. “1” = Retelling (avatar repeats content), “2” = Dialogue (avatar engages in conversation) of background image/video for avatar scene. Only used with “set-params”

JSON Example

Receive Data

Chat Type Parameters

vNumber2Version of the message
typeStringchatMessage type for chat interactions
midStringUnique message identifier for tracking conversation flow
idxNumberSequential index of the message part
finBooleanIndicates if this is the final part of the response
pldObjectContainer for message payload
pld.fromString”bot” or “user”Source of the message - “bot” for avatar responses, “user” for speech recognition input
pld.textStringText content of the message

Command Type Parameters

vNumber2Version of the message
typeStringcommandMessage type for system commands
midStringUnique identifier for tracking related messages in a conversation
pldObjectContainer for command payload
pld.cmdString”set-params”, “interrupt”Command to execute: “set-params” to update avatar settings, “interrupt” to stop current response
pld.codeNumber1000Response code from the server, 1000 indicates success
pld.msgStringResponse message from the server

JSON Example

Typescript Example

Integrating Your Own LLM Service

Before dispatching a message to the WebSocket, consider executing an HTTP request to your LLM service.

Response Code Description

Please note that if the value of the response code is not equal to 1000, the request is failed or wrong

code1003Parameter error or Parameter can not beempty
code1008The content you get does not exist
code1009Youdo not have permission to operate
code1101Invalid authorization or Therequest token has expired
code1102Authorization cannot be empty
code1200The account has been banned
code1201create audio error, pleasetry again later
code1202The same video cannot be translated lipSync inthe same language more than 1 times
code1203video should be with audio
code1204Your video duration is exceed 60s!
code1205Create videoerror, please try again later
code1207The video you are using exceeds thesize limit allowed by the system by 300M
code1209Please upload a videoin another encoding format
code1210The video you are using exceeds thevalue allowed by the system by 60fp
code1211Create lipsync error, pleasetry again later