AI Tools Suite
Image Generate
Easily create an image from scratch with our AI image generator by entering descriptive text.
The resources (image, video, voice) generated by our API are valid for 7 days. Please save the relevant resources as soon as possible to prevent expiration.
Text to image / Image to image
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer {token} | Your API Key used for request authorization.getToken |
Body Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
prompt | String | Describe the information needed to generate the image | |
scale | String | ”1:1” “4:3” “3:4” “16:9” “9:16” “3:2” “2:3” | The size of the generated image default: “1:1” |
source_image | String | Need to generate the original image link of the image 【If you want to perform imageToImage operation you can pass in this parameter】 | |
webhookUrl | String | Callback url address based on HTTP request |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code(1000:success) |
msg | String | Interface returns status information | |
data | Object | { _id: "", image_status: 1 } | _id: Interface returns data, image_status: the status of image: 【1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed】 |
Generate 4K or variations
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer {token} | Your API Key used for request authorization.getToken |
Body Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
_id | String | the image_id you had generated, you can got it from | |
button | String | the type of operation you want to perform, You can get the field(display_buttons) value from【U(1-4): Generate a single 4k image based on the corresponding serial number original image, V(1-4):Generate a single variant image based on the corresponding serial number original image】 | |
webhookUrl | String | Callback url address based on HTTP request |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code(1000:success) |
msg | String | Interface returns status information | |
data | Object | {_id:"",image_content_model_id: "",op_button: "",image_status:1} | _id : Interface returns data image_content_model_id: the origin image _id you had generated op_button: the type of operation you want to perform image_status: the status of image: 【1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed】 |
Get Image Result image info
Request Headers
Parameter | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer {token} | Your API Key used for request authorization.getToken |
Query Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
image_model_id | String | image db id:You can get it based on the _id field returned by or api. |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Value | Description |
code | int | 1000 | Interface returns business status code(1000:success) |
msg | String | Interface returns status information | |
data | Object | {image_status:1,_id:"",image:""} | image_status: the status of image: 【1:queueing, 2:processing, 3:completed, 4:failed】 image: Image result after processing _id: Interface returns data |
Response Code Description
Please note that if the value of the response code is not equal to 1000, the request is failed or wrong
Parameter | Value | Description |
code | 1000 | Success |
code | 1003 | Parameter error or Parameter can not be empty |
code | 1008 | The content you get does not exist |
code | 1009 | You do not have permission to operate |
code | 1010 | You can not operate this content |
code | 1101 | Invalid authorization or The request token has expired |
code | 1102 | Authorization cannot be empty |
code | 1108 | image generate error,please try again later |
code | 1200 | The account has been banned |